Learn Jikiden Reiki Shoden and Okuden with Yasuko (Sue) Tedaka, a certified Jikiden Reiki Shihan (teacher)
Q: Is it better to attend both levels of Jikiden Reiki together, or separately?
A: "Okuden" involves deeper teachings, and some students may need time to practice before feeling confident in offering Reiki to others.
Ultimately, it depends on individuals and their comfort level.
Since I can teach both levels (Shoden and Okuden) for practitioners, I typically recommend allowing students at least one week to explore Reiki practice after the Shoden class.
If you're interested in learning Jikiden Reiki, whether it's the Shoden level or Shoden and Okuden, feel free to reach out to me for more information.
Vancouver class, Langley class
Registration for JIkiden Reiki trainings
I am accepting registrations from anyone interested in learning Jikiden Reiki, a traditional Japanese healing method, this fall and winter.
*Payment in installments is available, but it must be completed in full before attending the class
If you would like to bring Jikiden Reiki to your area or schedule a class for a specific date, please feel free to reach out to me.
I’m happy to listen to your requests and work with you on scheduling.
The seminars are based on the teachings that Chiyoko Yamaguchi received from Chujiro Hayashi Sensei, one of Usui Sensei’s prominent students.
***Course Fees are set by the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. http://www.jikiden-reiki.com/en/